Our Covid-19 Precautions

onFlume Covid-19 Precautions
Filtered Air
onFlume’s HVAC system includes MERV 13 air filtration throughout the space.
Cleaning & Disinfecting
Shared use surfaces (coffee area, conference rooms, printer area) will be disinfected frequently. All plates, mugs, glasses, and utensils are to be put directly into the dishwasher where they will be sterilized, rather than paper cups that others might touch.
Check Ahead
Members can see on the onFlume website how many people are in the workspace at any time to allow for the choice to come in when the space is more sparsely populated.
Reserve a Clean Space
Reserve a day pass through our website, and we’ll disinfect your choice before you arrive. Hand sanitizer is available at entrance door. Antiseptic spray and/or wipes are available for your use at the front desk.
Community Manager Oversight
Community Managers have been empowered to ask people to work from home if they are
unwell, coughing or appear ill.
What You Can Do to Help
- Wash your hands
- Put cups and dishes directly into the dishwasher
- Check out when you leave (just a friendly goodbye to the Community Manager) to let them know to wipe down the area after you’re gone
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